ARRI M18 1.8KW MSR flicker free

ARRI M18 1.8KW MSR flicker free


ARRI M18 1.8KW MSR complete with ballast and header cable.


Lighting Technology


The M18 is an extremely powerful, compact, open-faced lamphead which outputs 1,800W in a housing as small as a 1,200W PAR but with a 70 % higher light output.

The M-Series M18 fixture is adjustable from 20° to 60° without requiring spreader lenses


1x Реli case 1.8kW HMI Spare Bulb
1x Crate Grey 75L
1x 1.8k HMI Bulb
1x ARRI MIS 1.8KW MSR Baby Max Lamp Head c/w Barn Doors
1x 4 Leaf Barn Door
1x Cable 7m Head to Ballast Cable 575/1.2k/I.8k
1x ARRI Flicker-free Ballast for I. 8kW HMI
1x 1.8K HMI Bulb

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