RA Futures Programme

We supported the RA Agency Futures Program, identifying and developing black female talent in the scripted camera department, by offering space and equipment. To find out more about RA Agency … Read more

Electric Vehicle Charging

Our Acton and Bristol Branches now have charging stations to allow us to use electric vehicles to transport your goods and so that our staff can commute via electric vehicles. … Read more

Lighting & Camera Sustainability Group

We all agree in the importance of working together and sharing best practice, so Barry Bassett, VMI’s Managing Director set up a new sustainability group in late 2021, to build … Read more

Climate Crisis Employee Education

Engaging with all stakeholders on our climate crisis journey is integral to realising the change needed. One step in this is educating our team on the basics of Climate Change … Read more

Ethical Banking

We have reviewed our banking facilities and are pleased to be with the Cooperative Bank, who have the best ESG profile of all UK banks*. We continue to review all … Read more

Sustainable Travel Policy Implemented

We created a company travel policy, committing to not using airplanes for all European travel. Our policy promotes video conferencing, bike and rail travel, suggests road travel as Plan B … Read more

Lower Carbon Cleaning Products

We use  Splosh, who provide washing up liquid, cleaning products and hand-wash, to reduce plastic waste. Their products are refilled using pouches, which are sent back for refilling or to … Read more

Employee Assistance Programme Set Up

All of our staff and their families can access confidential one-on-one advice on any subject, from mortgages to mental health, for which they need support.

Albert Sustainable Supplier

We’ve been recognised by Bafta’s albert initiative as a supplier going the extra mile to be green and support the production industry. By signing this declaration, we endeavour to work alongside … Read more

Benchmark Year for Carbon Reduction

This is our benchmark year for carbon reduction. We audited our emissions and discovered we created 123,725KG of CO2e emissions in 2019. We measured Scopes 1 and 2 along with … Read more

Monthly Wellness Day

We offer a monthly ‘wellness day’ to staff, working with Lulabelle Wellness, giving staff an individual 15 minute gentle massage with a trained masseuse. This has been incredibly popular and … Read more

Cloud-based Company

We archive all documents electronically, to save printing and storage and set up a cloud-based HR system, where staff can access all company procedures and staff manuals. This ensures all … Read more

Film for Future, BECTU

We are proud to be founding members and continuing contributors of Bectu’s Film for Future. To promote best sustainable practices within the department, the Camera Branch’s Sustainability working group, has … Read more

Biodegradable Plastic Packaging

We switched to EPI biodegradable plastic to seal filters.

We tested this plastic ourselves to see how it degrades and found that it didn’t perform as well as we had hoped and plan to change to potato starch based tubing later in 2022.

You might be interested to note that this change was inspired by client feedback in our annual customer questionnaire survey.

Paper Labels to Seal Cables

We switched to paper adhesive labels to seal cables. These give us and clients a visible indication of whether cables require testing or not.  The labels are recycled paper for … Read more

Our First Electric Vehicle

VMI’s media rental arm, VMEDIA, offers the first solely electric delivery service from a camera/media company.  This means 100% of our VMedia deliveries will be electric! As a low-carbon service, … Read more

Free Fruit

We buy unlimited free fruit for staff to munch on. This really simple and popular decision has continued and encourages great eating and is much more healthy than the free … Read more

Recycled Paper Only

We only use recycled paper and we recycle all paper and cardboard waste that it produces. Faxes and emails are received and filed electronically, avoiding all printing of them.

Energy Usage Reduced

Over a 4-year period, VMI cut its energy use in Acton by 8% annually through smart energy-reducing measures. Having smart meters really helped us to monitor the effects of these … Read more

That's all!

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