We never forget that we were all once students – even James Cameron and Martin Scorsese had to learn the art of film craft once!

VMI are proud to have supported the University of Portsmouth for some years, since Ben Thompson, the Principal Lecturer of the Film School, actually used to work at VMI – admittedly it WAS a long time ago (even in the last century) but the connection remains today!

We sponsored the Best Cinematography award which this year was awarded to William Thurlby for his work on the short film Bracia (Brothers).

Winner: Best Cinematography Award

Ben’s feedback on William’s Cinematography

William’s Cinematography was on point with excellent research in pre-planning, pre/visualisation and camera/lens testing. Will’s methodical and controlled approach resulted in an impressive camera and lighting style, which complemented the tone and period of the story.

Utilising hired in specialist lenses (Cooke Speed Panchros) to achieve the 80’s look was a considered creative decision and evident on the screen. Overall a successfully realised film that demonstrates high production values and professional competency in cinematographic practices.

The final cut is entertaining and in the last act, a moving piece of filmmaking. I feel Bracia certainly should have a life in the short film festival circuit and other film competitions, and acts as a starting point for William’s career journey into the Camera Department and aspiration to develop to a DoP. 

William was officially awarded his prize during his Graduation Ceremony on 21st July 2023, so he will be joining our industry in 2023. He is clearly one to watch!


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